Sunday, July 10, 2011

Unexpected worship experiences today... at home with my sons.

I had one of the greatest worship services today at home with my sons.

It was due some to an unexpected breakdown of our car this morning.  Amy left at 5:30 this morning to head to her clinical at Yale and came back promptly 10mins later.  Our car broke down so she had to take the van.  I was able to get the girls a ride to church this morning with a dear friend, but there was not enough room for all of us.  So I stayed home and did some reading and praying while the boys played.  But, as I've been here this morning I've felt a bit discouraged.  I still haven't gone out to assess exactly what's caused the power steering failure - or what caused some unknown part to fall off from underneath the car.  I've felt like there's been one obstacle after another in trying to get all of our family to Haiti this summer.  We had a plan a few months ago... it should have been seamless... but so far there have been several cracks in the plan.

I am confident God is in control and I am confident in His leadership and guidance for me and for my family... but these last few weeks have been difficult.  

However, today - a bit half-heartedly viewed a short film called The Butterfly Circus.  Truthfully, I wanted to stall a little more from assessing the car because I'm fearful of what kind of problem I'll find and - more specifically - how that repair cost will affect our family.  So, while sitting here at the kitchen table with my boys on my lap I watched the film with them.

You need to watch it too...

I'm now headed out to check on my car - with a renewed perspective. 

Bless you today

1 comment:

  1. The rest of the story...When I went out to check out my car problem later that afternoon, I was very happy to learn it was only a worn out idler pulley (that spun off the bearing - go figure) that subsequently whipped off the serpentine belt into a twisted rubber band.
    The great thing was that it was only about 30.00 and an hour to fix.


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