Tuesday, January 5, 2010

getting much closer...

I got word today from our agency that the likely-hood of our travel time will be planned as we thought around the Feb. 16th Embassy appt date.

But since that is the second leg of our journey, we would be arriving in Ethiopia several days before that. (From my conversation today with CHSFS, there is a SLIGHT possibility that it could be delayed until the first week of March, but it is not likely at this point.) We are ONLY waiting on Ashebir’s medical exam paperwork. Once that comes through hopefully in the next couple weeks or so, we’ll have the confirmed travel dates.

As for now, we’ll plan on the Feb time frame and adjust accordingly. Assuming it is, we have to be at the CHSFS Guesthouse in Addis on Thurs evening Feb 11th(local time), to finalize Ashebir’s adoption from then till Feb. 18th. I will find out the exact time we have to be there.

I’ve put together a tentative itinerary below – EVEN THOUGH WE ARE NOT BUYING TIX, until I hear from CHSFS about Ashebir’s Medical exam. (*Hear that everybody? ;) ) But, again assuming this plan… We would depart the US Wed Feb 3… then the following is the tentative schedule could look like this:

(2/3) DEPART THE USA - Wed Feb 3

(2/4) Arrive in Addis- Thurs evening Feb. 4 and stay at the SIM Guesthouse (I am awaiting confirmation correspondence SIM.)

(2/4) Friday – Morning - Bingham Academy visit till about noon (approx) -- (I am awaiting confirmation correspondence from Bingham.)

Afternoon – AHOPE Visit to bring donated Medical Supplies and spend time with children and AHOPE Staff.

(2/5) Saturday – Pack up at SIM, possibly another AHOPE visit or more likely, visit the CURE International Hospital for a tour of their ministry site (very close-I think- to where the new US Embassy is currently located.) (I am awaiting confirmation correspondence from CURE.)

(2/5) Saturday afternoon/evening – Meet up with FH Staff for our great adventure to Ziway or Belo??

We would remain with FH Staff until our Return to Addis at the latest on Thurs evening 2/11.

(2/11) Thurs evening – arrive at CHSFS Guesthouse and spend the following several days finalizing Ashebir’s Adoption

(2/12) Friday - Meet Ashebir in the AM

(2/13-2/17) Sat-Wed - Time with Ashebir, interact and time with the other adoption families from the group, short trips around Addis – Shopping and Museum visit, etc.

(2/16) Tue – US Embassy Visit to get Asheibir’s Visa and Passport

(2/18 or 19) Thurs eve/Friday Morning (Depending on the Airline)– Depart Addis for USA.

(2/19 or 2/20) Arrive home.

Confirmed travelers so far are:

Trent Donohue –
Roger Martin –

Rachel Martin –

Josh Shook –

Pete Zipf –
Kendalyn Zipf (Kenni) –

Ok, I need to get some rest… been a long day. I expect another full day tomorrow,

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