Tuesday, March 4, 2008

Beef Jerky at 5 am

Here we sit in our room, 5:45 am local time ... waiting for someone else in our hotel to wake up. :) We're pretty sure breakfast is included in our room, but we're not quite sure what time that is offered. Since our internal clocks are obviously not in line with the local time, we were up at 4 am, wide awake. The girls were sitting on their bed, eating beef jerky by 5 am.

Our motel is really sweet. We have a family room, so the girls each have their own twin bed. The doors are all like castles ... with wood beams that come down to lock them. The lights are lanterns and it took us a half hour to find google in English instead of Arabic. :)

We have heard the call to prayer twice already ... we'll have to do some research to find out the significance of the times. It's very similiar to Senegal in that regard. The call to prayer is a regular part of everyday.

This morning we are going out exploring in the city. We'll have chwarmas for lunch (local sandwiches, like gyros) and hopefully take a nap before we head out for our safari in the dessert.

Interesting side note ... the first thing Sasha said when we got off the plane: "Where are the sand and camels? This is not Dubai, mama." :)


  1. I just saw your post on CHSFS where you linked to your blog. It sounds like your trip is going great so far and I Emirates sounds wonderful. I can't believe you emailed from your plane. Have a great week of traveling and enjoy meeting your boy! Thanks for posting :)

  2. I just checked out your blog, and am so glad to find out you are all OK. Dad and I were both praying much for you guys. I actually have to look up Dubai on the map. Sounds like you are not among sand and camels yet...ha! Sasha always has such funny things to say!

    Love from us both,
    Mom Zipf

  3. Ah it sounds like you guys are already having a fun and interesting time! Are you going to be posting pictures as you go along? This is all so exciting! I am going to try to make it to the airport when you all come home. Love yaaaa =)
    - Ash

  4. I just found your blog on the forum too. I'm going to pick up my Tariku (almost 3 yrs) hopefully on the 20th! What a great name. :) Have fun in your travels! I'll keep reading!

  5. Hi guys!! I can't believe the time has come....I can't wait to read more and see pictures! You all will be in my prayers!! Much Love!
    Tara E

  6. We will see you very soon! Have a wonderful trip!

  7. Beef Jerky breakfast. MMM.
    Sitting her in my office thinking about how the girls will always remember this trip. :)
    Love ya! and keep those updates comin!

  8. I'm so happy to read your updates! You have been on my heart and mind as I am praying for you throughout the days! What great memories and stories you'll have when you return! We're looking forward to the next update!!! Hurry home, we can't wait to squeeze that sweet baby! Love you!
    :)Kate G.

  9. Keep those updates coming!! Sounds like things are going really well so far. You've been in my prayers!

  10. Hi everyone! Hope you had a great day exploring Dubai! Last night Erik was waiting for Pete to arrive for Life group - forgetting you were far, far away! Praying for your safety, health and especially for your special day when you all finally meet and hold Tariku. May God continue to bless you each day! Love, The Hurlburts

  11. We love you and hope all is going well. Looking forward to Easter!

    Dad and Mom

  12. Hey you guys! So glad to know you are safe. I love living your adventure (boy are you having them) through your blog. Keep it up. Please know you are prayed for a God is so rewarding you guys for "steppin'" out.


    Michele :)


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